Sunday, December 13, 2009

She Could Be My New BFF

...I'm talking about Kari (not the blogging Kari) and "BFF" for those of you who are over 60, stands for "Best Friend Forever."

Everyone knows I love thrift shops and that I find about 90% of my clothes in our local secondhand stores. I also buy all of Ben's clothes in thrift shops. I am mildly obsessed with secondhand searching and will stop at nothing to find the perfect wool dress for my sister's wedding (WEAVE), a tall pair of black boots (Salvation Army) and a pair of "skinny jeans" that actually fit (still looking and looking and looking!).

So it was with great delight, that I clicked on this website: and discovered Kari. Not only is she an amazing secondhand fashionista, she is also quite creative with "thrifty" gift ideas. Check out her local media coverage and the beautiful gift creations she put together, then move down on the page and be amazed at her eye for fashion detail. I got nothin' on this girl!

After contacting Kari and telling her how utterly talented and what a goddess I think she is, she told me that she is going to put together an online feature with some of her "thrifty" readers, modeling their own secondhand clothes, styled by Kari. How cool is that? Of course I volunteered and can't wait to see what creative ideas she can come up for me. Maybe she can even find a pair of the coveted, yet very elusive skinny jeans! Stay tuned.

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